Humor #551

The old pastor made it to a practice to visit the parish school one day a week.

He walked into the 4th grade class, where the children were studying the states, and asked them how many states they could name.  They came up with about 40 names.  He jokingly told them that in his day students knew the names of all the states.

One lad raised his hand and said, “Yes, but in those days there were only 13.”


The symphony musicians had little confidence in the person brought in to be their new conductor.

Their fears were realized at the very first rehearsal. The cymbalist, realizing that the conductor did not know what he was doing, angrily clashed his instruments together during a delicate, soft passage.

The music stopped. The conductor, highly agitated, looked angrily around the orchestra, demanding, “Who did that? Who did that?”


The boss joined a group of his workers at the coffee urn and told a series of jokes he’d heard recently.  Everybody laughed loudly.  Everybody, that is, except Mike.

When he noticed that he was getting no reaction from Mike, the boss said, “What’s the matter, Mike?  No sense of humor?”

“My sense of humor is fine,” he said.  “But I don’t have to laugh.  I’m quitting tomorrow.”


His father sends a small boy to bed. Five minutes later….


“What?” “I’m thirsty. Can you bring drink of water?” “No. You had your

chance. Lights out.”

Five minutes later: “Da-aaaad…..”


“I’m THIRSTY. Can I have a drink of water??”

“I told you NO!” If you ask again, I’ll have to spank you!!”

Five minutes later……”Daaaa-aaaad…..”


“When you come in to spank me, can you bring a drink of water?”